Landmark Ruling Enshrines Right to Own Guns

The accused
But what was the Army doing there?? Social services, actually being used as political tool to help one protégé of the President, even not belonging to the Workers Party. He is Senator Crivela and wants to be the next mayor of
Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates, in a news release published today by the Defense Department, announced the president's nomination of Dunwoody as the commander of Army Materiel Command at
After being under severe pressure from human-rights groups who defend the gay rights (see BR Army 001), the Army now sees itself with new problems.
First was that last 06/14 a student of
More to come.
FREE with museum admission
Bring the kids and celebrate July 4th weekend with a variety of fun family activities.
Freedom Activity Trail
Kids ages 12 and under can participate in the Center’s Freedom Activity Trail, which includes different stations throughout the Center’s exhibit spaces and main lobby. Complete different tasks, crafts, and activities on a Freedom Activity Trail Card and redeem the card for a prize!
Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
There goes my baby
With-a someone new.
She sure looks happy.
I sure am blue.
She was my baby
'Til he stepped in.
Goodbye to romance
That might have been.
Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.
Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
I'm a-through with romance.
I'm a-through with love.
I'm through with-a countin'
The stars above
And here's reason
That I'm so free:
My lovin' baby
Is a-through with me.
Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, happiness.
Hello, loneliness.
I think I'm a-gonna cry-y.
Bye bye, love.
Bye bye, sweet caress.
Hello, emptiness.
I feel like I could di-ie.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.
Bye bye, my love, goodby-ye.